Please Note: The program described on this page is a recorded self-study program focused on clearing the most common and damaging karmic blocks almost all LightWorkers face.

If you're looking for the LIVE event focused on Clearing The LightWorkers' Persecution Imprint, or if you're looking for the LIVE LightWorker Accelerator Program Including Compassion Key Certification, these are not located on this page.

Please email us at [email protected], so we can get you the information you're looking for.

The recorded self-study program on this page has supported many LightWorkers in having profound breakthroughs and shifts in their lives, but the recorded program does not include Compassion Key Certification and does not include some of the most up to date clearings and frameworks contained in the LIVE program.

So, please email us if you're interested in info on the LIVE events and programs.

Or, if you are looking for a powerful recorded program just for LightWorkers, you are in the right place. Please continue reading…


We are at a unique moment in the process of human awakening, and YOU are an important part of our collective story.

Now is the time for all of us LightWorkers, Truth Speakers & Passionate Spiritual Seekers to fully embody our soul's Truth and fully uncover & harness our unique gifts.

Now is the time to stop hiding and start shining brighter than ever before.


It is a beautiful moment to be alive and to witness & support the full scale transformation of humanity that is already underway.

Please won't you join us in accelerating Light in your life and on the planet today?

The LightWorker Accelerator Home Study Program Is Perfect For You If You Want To:

Amplify Your Field of Miracles and dramatically increase your capacity to support individual healing & planetary awakening

Identify & Clear The Top Blocks preventing Truth Speakers, LightWorkers & Passionate Spiritual Seekers from more fully embodying their soul's purpose and shining their lights more brightly into the world

Experience Increasingly Accurate Levels of financial abundance as you surrender ever more deeply to your Highest Self

Receive Powerful New Tools, processes, information and transmissions that will enable you to experience greater freedom in the physical plane and become a more potent messenger of Harmony & Light in the world today


If you're ready to drop your limitations, move into greater joy, wholeness & abundance, AND play your unique role in the healing & awakening of humanity, then this program is for you!!

The LightWorkerAccelerator™6-Week Program

Co-Create An Explosion of Awakening, Joy And Celebration For Yourself & Humanity

ONLY $297!


As one participant describes the program:

The LightWorker Accelerator is a unique program designed to clear the specific wounds and imprints affecting those who are dedicated to helping to uplift this planet and those who live here. It is a healing for healers.

It is a poignant truth that those who are here to help others are often in need of help themselves and don't know where to find it. By their nature, LightWorkers are highly sensitive and historically have suffered much persecution and pain. The imprints from that suffering — whether from past lives or the collective unconscious — often stop healers and spiritual workers from being as empowered, effective and fulfilled (and as financially successful) as they could be. Unconscious fears hold many back from stepping into their gifts at all.

At this time the world needs its LightWorkers and healers — in fact, this is the moment many of us have been preparing for. We need to free ourselves to be as effective in the world as we can be.

Specifically, The Program Includes:

Week 1 — Power & Persecution

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." — Lord Acton, 19th Century British Scholar

"Power does not corrupt. Power reveals." — Edward Mannix, Reinventing Truth, Chapter 11

Power has developed a bad reputation due to the fact that countless powerful people throughout history have been wounded souls acting out their wounds more so than their light. As a result, well-meaning individuals today often reject and avoid power for fear they might be corrupted by it.


It is also true that many of us LightWorkers & Truth Speakers have made mistakes with power at some point in our soul's journey — further adding to our resistance to embracing our gifts and stepping into our biggest self.


Layer on top of this aversion to power the fact that LightWorkers & Truth Speakers have so often been persecuted for our special gifts and for "speaking truth to power", and we see some but not all of the reasons why so many of us survive on the margins of society and never fully embrace and step into the spiritual and worldly power that is our soul's highest calling.

We are going to clean up and fix all of this right now, forever, in this one highly potent session. This session by itself is more valuable than the price of the entire program, and it is one you certainly do not want to miss.


Week 2 — Money & Self-Esteem

Some of the most highly gifted people on the planet who make the greatest positive impact on the lives of others are trapped in poverty or are barely scraping by. Many who are doing reasonably well financially still have resistance to receiving money in proportion to the magnitude of their gifts and the blessings they bestow on others, i.e., they’re not as financially rich as they could be or should be in a just and balanced world.

Furthermore, there are a number of spiritually gifted people who don’t feel worthy of doing this sacred work in the world period, regardless of whether they are receiving money or not.

Some of these dynamics arise from subconscious self-hatred, lack of self-forgiveness stemming from past mistakes (Week 1 Power Theme); some of it has to do with collective programs and consensus reality devaluing spiritual gifts relative to “more practical”, left brain pursuits.

Add in limiting beliefs and social mores around earning money for spiritual or healing work, and we have another multi-faceted, thorny issue on our hands.

In this one heart-expanding, highly transformational session, we are going to unwind these knots, re-wire our neural pathways, go deeper into self-love, release old vows & curses, and forever alter our relationship with ourselves and money. This very special session is a big part of why so many LightWorkers & Truth Speakers have major jumps in their financial abundance and self-esteem during this program.

Week 3 — Debilitating Empathy & The Burden Of Spiritual Gifts

Highly sensitive people. Empaths. Psychics. Tuned in.

Whatever you call us, we LightWorkers & Truth Speakers are very often acutely aware of the pain of others in our proximity as well as the suffering on the planet as a whole. Many of us have never learned to modulate and master this exquisite sensory organ of ours, and as such, we are victims of our gifts, which often feel like a curse.

Similar to the potential for our gift of sensitivity to turn into the curse of debilitating empathy, each of our other unique gifts provides both special opportunities and special challenges.

Is it possible to re-calibrate our system, gain greater mastery of our special abilities, and deepen our love for & ultimately super charge the power of our gifts all within a 90 minutes to 2 hour session?

Absolutely. Not only is it possible, it is what is required now.

And it's a lot of fun too 

Week 4 — Rewriting The Human Template

Are there basic "hard-wired" human features that once helped us survive but are now limiting our joy, harmony and expansion as a species?

Which are the most important ones — fear of "the other" even when it's safe? Self-serving bias and other known distortions in our cognitive perceptual lens?

What other built-in features can we identify together and correct right now for ourselves and humanity?

We will literally be tapping into and changing the source code of the human template during this unique and powerful session. This very special call is a huge opportunity to co-create something extraordinary on behalf of humanity and is often cited as participants' very favorite most limit-shattering, mind-expanding, earth-enlightening session.

Please allow for up to 2 hours or more for this very special call.

Week 5 — The "Who Am I" Block — Who Am I To Teach, Lead, Heal

Must we be fully healed to help others find their healing?

Must we be a fully enlightened billionaire with no extra body fat to help others in the world today?

During this vulnerable session, we take off our masks in this sacred space and drop the self-judgment, insecurity and shame that is preventing us from fully embracing and living into our higher purpose.

As we move into a deeper awareness of Who We Really Are and our unique calling on the planet today, powerful "I Am" statements emerge. Finally answering the "Who Am I?" question in a profound, soulful way leads to often significant realignments of our identities and our lived reality in the days, weeks and months after this singularly powerful and affirming experience.

Week 6 — Celebration

Laughter and tears. Celebration.

Sealing in the benefit of this sacred journey so that our souls may forever leave behind what was cleared here.

Integrating the insights, love, expansion and miracles so we may bring them forward with us throughout all time and timelines, and across all universes.

Taking one last quantum leap together further up the spiral staircase, getting that much closer to finally knowing and fully embodying our true light here in form.



PLUS, 2 Friday Epic Bonus Calls!

Hide the clocks under the bed.Have a healthy meal, hydrate and get ready…

These Friday Epic Bonus Calls are big, spacious containers where we go deeper and spiral up into states of consciousness, insight, love and resonance that we might have previously thought were beyond our reach. We drop life-times of garbage and super-charge our light in ways that are new and often breathtaking.

These are very special sessions, and as the name suggests, they are in fact epic.

Please plan for 2–3 hours (or more) for each of these limit-shattering, time-line collapsing, universe-converging, consciousness-evolving calls.


And All Throughout The Program We Will Be Developing Supportive, Joyful Relationships & Sustaining Community

Reunite with your soul pod. Celebrate breakthroughs and miracles together. Rekindle old soul friendships and develop new ones.

While it's wonderful to enjoy the transformations you experience during and as a result of the group calls, it is also true that the relationships you develop in The LightWorker Accelerator will very likely be a big part of the lasting impact and joy emanating from this experience.

Numerous past participants have said that they felt like they had found their lost tribe, that they were coming home in this community. It is in community that we can find our greatest healing, greatest joy and greatest strength.

The beautiful constellation of souls gathering right now to co-create this program is totally unique, and it is a constellation that very likely would not be complete without you – and I do mean you specifically.

If you are reading these words right now, you very likely belong inside of and would thrive co-creating The LightWorker Accelerator Community.

Further up the spiral we go… together!



So, Here's Everything You Get:

✅   8 limit-shattering, joy-inducing, mind and heart-expanding, consciousness evolving calls, including two Friday Epic Bonus Calls, all of which you can later download as mp3s and keep forever

✅ One beautiful community constellation of like-hearted, like-minded soul friends

✅  A powerful container inside of which you, all of us and humanity will be forever transformed

✅ An opportunity to co-create an explosion of light, love & miracles that will support your joy & integration and contribute to the healing & awakening of human kind

If you're ready to drop your limitations, move into greater joy, wholeness & abundance, AND play your unique role in the healing & awakening of humanity, then this program is for you!!

Please click the button below to enroll & begin co-creating now!

The LightWorkerAccelerator™6-Week Program

Co-Create An Explosion of Awakening, Joy And Celebration For Yourself & Humanity


ONLY $297!


Celebrations Of Love From Some Who Have Benefited From Working With Edward & The Compassion Key®



Best Financial Month Ever. Astonishing!

"Wow! I wanted to share this good news with you all. In the years I have been doing coaching and healing work professionally, I have usually earned around $1,000 or $1,500 per month with this work and never more than a few thousand dollars in any given month. This last month since starting The LightWorker Accelerator I earned $8,000 with my healing and spiritual coaching practice! Astonishing. Clearly some big breakthroughs happening for me. Thank you, Edward, and thank all of you for holding this sacred space. It's such a blessing to be co-creating this circle of light and miracles together."

- Tomar L. in New York City

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First Paying Clients!

"Thank you everyone in this group and especially Edward for holding the space so beautifully. I have had a massive breakthrough with my spiritual work. Up to now I have been building up my confidence but giving sessions for free to friends. In the last two weeks I have had two paying clients which is a massive leap forward! I am so grateful and looking forward to watching my Light Shine as I move forward. I am also looking forward to hearing everyone else's breakthroughs. No matter how big or small we perceive them to be they are all cause for celebration…"

- Karen in England, Week 4 In The LightWorker Accelerator

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Wow! Money AND A FREE CAR (!!) Showed Up Within 24 Hours

"After Friday's fantastic EPIC call, which really went to dig so deep and shone much needed light in some dark forgotten places within me I must say that I am so relieved. Two amazing events happened, the first was that some money that I was expecting but gave up on finally showed up. The second event started out as a disaster but ended up wonderfully. On Saturday I was taking my car to the mechanic to have it fixed (I was very fortunate that we towed it to the shop since it was smoking literally and came to find out that the engine died so it was no good anymore). Faced with this fiasco I was very calm (unlike how I would have behaved in the past when I encountered terrible news I would be so mad at myself and the situation and would be so negative playing this negativity repeatedly in my head.) This time I called my cousin to let him know what had happened so he came by with one of their cars and said that he was going to gift it to me and transfer it to my name so thankfully I now have another vehicle for free. I accepted his gift graciously and thanked him so much for this incredible gesture. I thank you all for this incredible love and support in helping one another transform and shine ever so brightly. Blessings to all."

- Fatima in Virginia, Week 2 In The LightWorker Accelerator

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Partner Unexpectedly Supports My Dreams. "Who Is This Man I Just Spoke To?"

"Not only has my work with Edward and The Compassion Key© led to a number of important internal and behavioral changes for me, but also it has resulted in a dramatic shift in my relationship with my life partner, which in turn is helping me pursue a new career path I have been desiring but been blocked from for many years. I am a Reiki Master, avid meditator and spiritual seeker who has been working in the private sector in an unrelated field for the last couple of decades. For at least the past 8 or 10 years, I have been wanting to more closely align my career with my passion for healing, meditation and supporting others on their path, but every time I have mentioned this idea to my partner, he has been completely against it and unsupportive. I have not known how to overcome his resistance, and also I was probably dealing with a number of my own money fears when thinking about striking out in this new direction.
Doing this work with Edward has facilitated a deeper connection with my Highest Self, which has allowed me to begin taking steps towards answering my calling to be a healer, something that I had almost given up hope that I would ever be able to pursue. And, what's really amazing is that after my most recent session with Edward—our 3rd session together—an almost magical shift occurred with my partner. Without a big conversation or confrontation, we had an almost off-hand conversation about my desire to start taking steps in this new career direction. In the past where there was significant, seemingly adamant resistance, he just simply said 'That makes sense.' I was pinching myself as if this were a dream. Who is this man I just spoke to? Is this the same person I talked to about this over the years?
I immediately put up a website and started letting people know about my new endeavors, and I have been receiving a great deal of support from others, as well. AND, if that weren't enough I just came across a certificate program related to my new career, which I want to attend. While in the past the high price tag would have almost certainly led my partner to say no, again he is showing up in a new way and supporting me in living more deeply into my truth and pursuing my passion. He is 100% in favor of me making this investment and attending the program, and again I am pinching myself. His behavior and support in this area of my life is a complete 180 degree turn from where it has been for many years.
Wow! I can hardly believe what is happening in my relationship and am so excited to be stepping into alignment with the vision I have had for my career for many years but have been unable to bring into reality."

- A Newly Supported Woman in Canada

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Everyone Should Experience The LightWorker Accelerator

" The Light Worker Accelerator program should be used by everyone on planet Earth to Re-awaken, Remove blocks, and become Reborn into your most Authentic self."

- Sandra Snell in Sycamore, OH

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Big Financial Breakthroughs. Life Is Awesome. The Compassion Key Is The 8th Wonder Of The World!

"I saw Edward interviewed and instantly resonated with him and his work.
I have since participated in his Compassion Key groups and applied the techniques to various elements in my life, notably money.
Things flowing to me more easily became noticeable right away from the group work, and later when completing 2 private sessions with Edward, significant shifts occurred on both occasions.
Our first session was around me being powerful as a healer, and right afterwards my client base quickly grew and reached the limits of my availability. Suddenly, my part time healing schedule was totally full and challenging me to consider quitting my day job!
Our second session helped shift an energetic paradigm around a past life and how it was showing up in my current life in a way that was limiting me. The shift created a desirable outcome with a major problem at work that had profound implications for me in my career and financial life (and emotionally too).
Fast forward a few months later and 1) I've had a major financial windfall 2) some new investments are going well and 3) I've quit my day job — I am seeing clients full time and am as busy as possible which is good enough to match my bank wage!
Life is awesome. Unbelievable.
The Compassion Key is the 8th wonder of the world!"

- David S. in Australia

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Experiencing My Light Body

"I was pleasantly surprised in my session with Edward to shift some things I had been aware of and unable to shift myself over a number of decades.
Our session centered on the moment in my child hood when my heart broke and I began to bury my light. The moment I retired my wings and decided to stop flying because others were afraid to leave the safe confines of their small worlds in order to go with me to the places I could lead them.
For years I have been doing a daily sun meditation in which I aim to access and embody my light body. But, for years, I have not been able to get there because as it turns out I, myself, buried my light body so deeply back then that even I couldn't find it.
In our one beautiful session together, Edward took me back to the younger version of me, and he guided me through a simple, yet powerful exercise in which I used my own compassion to heal this heart broken little girl. After accomplishing some major healing on 'younger me', we also took a look at me today. From outside of myself, I gave compassion to myself today. Somehow Edward knew that we needed to give 'current me' compassion for her hurt feet that were so tired of carrying my weight through this world when I should have been flying or otherwise using my wings to soften the burden.
After I gave current me several doses of compassion, Edward asked me if I remembered how to use my wings so that it looks as if I am walking, even though really I am barely just touching the ground with none of my weight coming down through my feet. Upon his asking, I immediately regained this ability, and I could see in my mind's eye the essence of myself flying around and happily hovering above the ground.
There was a triangle of light connecting me looking on the scene from outside of myself, the essence of myself today, and a now healed childhood me. As all these aspects of me bathed in the light together, I was my light body. I could feel it through and through down to the level of my cells. I achieved the state of being I had been craving and seeking for many years, but had been unable to reach on my own, and in this experience, a powerful imprint was created, an anchor or doorway back to this place that I can access later.
This experience by itself would have been enough, but then Edward led me one step further. Earlier in the session, Edward had asked me if my husband could fly with me, if I could lead anyone to these joyful places. I had said it was a bit confusing, some people come into this life tethered down and may not be able to fly.
After helping me regain my light and my wings, Edward came back to this crucial question, and he asked me again if my husband could fly with me, if everyone is capable of flying. My old limiting belief system could no longer hold me.
Yes, everyone can fly, and I can show them how!
As a long-time seeker of truth and light, as a wife and mother, and as a professional healer and spiritual counselor, this was such an important belief system for me to get past. How can I help others learn to fly, if deep down I believed many people can't?
Not only did I get a profound personal healing and reconnect with my wings and my light body, but also, my session with Edward empowered me to be a more effective healer and spiritual teacher.
I am truly grateful."

- Healer and Wisdom Teacher Living in Bali and Australia

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Benefit Of Recordings vs. Live Calls

"In the LightWorkers call #4 exploration that I did today, I am experiencing the blessing of being on the recorded call with the shared energy and yet being able to pause the recording and follow my own Yellow brick road of phrases and unraveling and reintegration and then resume the call! Wow!"

- Lygia in California

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Gifts No Longer A Burden.

" I just wanted to share with the group that with Edward's help today I had an experience that was absolutely amazing. What I have struggled with for years is a feeling 'responsibility' of my gifts…. to the point they felt a 'burden.' The burden being the responsibility of having them and doing right by them. Today, with Edward's help (and JC) I suddenly embraced the joy of my gifts. So instead of feeling oppressed by the responsibility I am suddenly light and feathery with the joy of having these gifts to share. I feel as if I don't have to ask the questions anymore (why me, who am I, etc.) There are no questions, things just are. This just is; I just am. I need to just be. Thank you Edward; I will never be the same! And that's a good thing! "

- Lynda in Alaska

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Finding My Lost Tribe

" I too spent this afternoon listening to this replay. A profound and moving experience! Thank you ALL for this beautiful co-creation and collaboration. I feel like I have come home to a tribe I have dearly missed. To be able to be together, join together, with like heart and like spirit, collaboratively, to do our own work in service to ourselves and the entire collective and beyond. While I have had powerful experiences and moments of personal communion with Life I have never had such an experience in which I felt so deeply connected with others at the same time, and the frequency and vibration I felt expressed this. Togetherness and Communion in Light. Profound. Thank you all xo "

- Adriane in Toronto

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Coming Out Of The Closet As A LightWorker

" The Compassion Key surprised me in that I have looked at many instances and feelings in my past that I have looked at before, but this time I feel that the negative emotions connected with these incidents have cleared.
During the LightWorker Accelerator course I felt a strong sense of community and got clearer on my mission in life. I have continued to transform lifetimes of baggage during my whole time with Edward, but the LightWorker Accelerator program was amazing in that I felt so connected with the others in the program. Also, I became stronger in my identifying as a LightWorker—that my mission is no longer a private secret."

- Sharon D., an out of the closet LightWorker in Richmond, CA

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Wow. Powerful Energy In The Circle Of Light.

"Just finished with Friday's bonus call. Wow! It was absolutely a 10 for me! When Edward put us all in that last Circle the light & energy was incredible. I went somewhere else. A noise on the recording brought me back with a jolt. It was so wonderful that I wished that I could bottle that energy & feeling to carry with me & open that bottle & drink from it whenever I needed to. My hope is that from now on that light & energy & love is always consciously with me."

- Jane in Arkansas

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No Longer Lonely As LightWorker

" The LightWorker Accelerator was so helpful in ending a deep and sad sense of loneliness I have had as a LightWorker. The issues covered, especially of experiencing persecution were so miraculous to feel as if a voice inside was saying 'YES! I feel like that yet how can I explain such problems to regular people in my life!' Being able to tackle these issues in community with other LightWorkers was deeply healing.
I feel much less alone in life as a LightWorker now. This has affected my level of optimism so positively, and had good effects in every area of my life with things very much moving forward. "

- Susan G. in Yukon, Canada

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Grounded Clarity With Regards To Healing Career

" I feel more peaceful and more grounded than I have felt ever. I feel more certain of myself as a healer and have a lot more clarity about which way I want to go. "

- Anne in Canada

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Coming Out Of Hiding As A LightWorker

"The Lightworker Accelerator Program gave me the courage to come out of the closet, after a lifetime of hiding. Although I always knew I had a calling, I never felt courageous enough to step forward onto my path. Thanks to this wonderful program, I was able to step into authenticity--first with a little trepidation, but ultimately with grace and ease. Thank you, Edward Mannix, for opening up my life! Very highly recommended…"

- Dee B. in Reno, Nevada USA

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New Awareness Of My Gifts And Calling

 " The Lightworker Program hit so many issues I was having about being seen, failing and succeeding, and it was really a catapult into a new level of awareness about what my gifts are and how I am called to fulfill my destiny. Loved it!"

- Anita M. in Northern Minnesota

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Clients Flowing To Me With Minimum Effort

" Just wanted to share the powerful shifts I am noticing since starting the program. I'm feeling so much freer to share what I do and clients are just flowing to me with minimum effort on my part. My sessions have increased in ease and power and I've been willing to be more visible and assertive in my marketing. My clients are amazed by the shifts they are getting in the sessions. Thank you Edward for giving me the key to the cage. Looking forward to flying even higher."

- Louise in England

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A Safe Place To Be Vulnerable And Speak Un-Speakable Truths

" I think the two pieces that have been most a part of this are being a part of a group where the unspeakable was able to be spoken, and I think it was the depth of the work that you offered, Edward, held this space and offered an invitation for a kind of truth telling and depth and vulnerability in everyone that came to the calls and in the online group… There aren't words to capture the gift that it is to live under this shroud of isolation and shame, feeling like you are kind of a leper in a sense and can't speak what's happening to you, and then to find yourself in this group where nothing is off limits and anything that needs to be said or any truth that someone feels ready to speak can be heard and has a place and that's just… words kind of fail because it's not something that we do in our culture and that is a component of healing at depth that I think is absolutely essential."

- Jordan in TX

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Building Houses of Light To Live In

" Thanks Edward, and thank you all other nice people of this group… I am very honoured to participate in this work and very thankful for meeting each other (again)! Last night/morning I dreamed I was with a couple of you and we've build several new houses. But instead of concrete we used light, white watery light. I believe it isn't a dream, I am sure we have made these new homes for us to live in. My deepest gratitude for you all."

- Limoen in France

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About Edward Mannix

Edward Mannix is the founder of The Compassion Key®, a simple yet powerful system for healing the inner child, dissolving karmic distortions and spontaneously bringing our heart and soul's deepest desires into form. His work has touched thousands of lives around the world and often leads to miracles in people's financial lives, relationships, emotional well-being, careers, physical health, spiritual lives and more.

Prior to becoming a spiritual teacher and facilitator, Edward worked in the private sector management consulting, venture capital and social entrepreneurship. He earned an M.B.A. from Columbia University where he studied Sustainability and Social Enterprise, an M.A. from The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University, and a B.A. in Psychology and Economics from Indiana University.

While pursuing his Western Education and striving to find ways to do good in the world through business and help heal Corporate America, Edward was simultaneously undergoing sometimes intense spiritual awakenings and transformations. Important formative experiences during this period include practicing Vipassana meditation for 18 hours per day in a monastery in Burma, travelling to Nepal to receive teachings and empowerments from Tibetan Rinpoches, and working with hidden masters from a number of traditions and geographies, spanning Asia, Europe and the United States.

Drawing upon unique insight and an unusually diverse set of life experiences, Edward brings fresh perspective to ancient wisdom and is an important voice in the arenas of spiritual development and personal transformation. He is the author of two books, Reinventing Truth and Impossible Compassion.

The LightWorkerAccelerator™6-Week Program

Co-Create An Explosion of Awakening, Joy And Celebration For Yourself & Humanity

ONLY $297!

© 2020 Truth & Compassion LLC | All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Two Step

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